
"We are so pleased with our employee's progress. He is now able to communicate verbally and in writing. Thank you for helping him get to a level where we all feel comfortable."

~Johana F., Director of HR Operations, New Albany, Ohio

"La clase impartida por el Sr. Eric es una clase que nos ayuda a conocer y aprender correctamente el idioma inglés, además de permitirnos intercambiar experiencias culturales con personas de otros países."

~Paulina A., New Albany, Ohio (Ecuador)

"This past summer, I had a group of High Beginners/Intermediate level English language learners, but no teaching material as our main demographic was at the Advanced level. Discovering Everyday English® material was a godsend! Not only did this summer's class have material that matched their current level, but they also grew as students by having lively discussions in English while expanding their vocabulary. Thank you Everyday English®! Keep up the great work!"

~Daniel J. Stone, MBA, Director of Two Birds One Stone Learning, Dublin, Ohio

"Chúng tôi đến Columbus vào cuối mùa đông năm 2007, điều đầu tiên chúng tôi quan tâm và lo lắng nhất là trường tiếng Anh cho con tôi. Qua lời giới thiệu của ai đó, tôi đã gặp Eric tại trường của anh ấy, Everyday English®. Eric đến khu căn hộ của chúng tôi ba lần một tuần để dạy tiếng Anh. Với phong thái rất tự tin, cùng với sự kiên nhẫn của mình, chỉ trong vài tháng chúng tôi đã có thể giao tiếp với người Mỹ một cách dễ dàng và các con tôi đã đủ tự tin để hòa nhập vào lớp học. Hiện tại tôi đang học cao đẳng. Khi tôi gặp vấn đề với bài tập trên lớp, tôi gửi email cho Eric và anh ấy sẵn sàng giúp đỡ và đóng góp cho công việc của tôi. Tôi rất vui được giới thiệu Eric và Everyday English® cho tất cả mọi người, đặc biệt là những người đồng hương của tôi ở Việt Nam mới chuyển đến Mỹ."

~Xuân N., Columbus, Ohio (Vietnam)

"If you truly want to develop your English skills and abilities, Eric is the perfect instructor. He has the professional experience and knowledge to personalize the lessons you need and at the same time, teach that content in a dynamic and enjoyable environment. Eric is not only an outstanding instructor but also someone who is always helping, supporting and even encouraging you to achieve all your goals."

~Javier F., IT Industry, Dublin, Ohio (Spain)

"O que eu gosto no método de ensino do Eric é que ele direciona suas aulas de acordo com as necessidades e interesses de cada aluno, atendendo assim todas as expectativas. Suas aulas são muito dinâmicas, incluindo jogos e muito debate sobre atualidades, o que está longe daquele método de ensino antigo e chato, e posso dizer que suas aulas me ajudaram muito, estou super satisfeita pois estava procurando treinar minha conversação e também melhorar minha gramática."

~Katia C., Powell, Ohio (Brazil)

"We have been working with Eric for almost one year now and we see that we are making excellent progress. Eric is very professional, but he also makes the lessons interesting and fun. We have also hired Eric to write and edit important business documents, with great results. We highly recommend Eric to anyone who wants to improve their English and have help writing and editing business documents."

~Alex S. & Natalia W., Medical Industry, Gahanna, Ohio (Ukraine)

"Eric waa macalin weyn. Waxa uu si gaar ah ugu fiican yahay qaybta naxwaha ee luqadda Ingiriisiga. Waraaqo aan qoray xitaa waxay iga caawiyeen caqligiisa. Markaa, waxaan odhan lahaa qof kasta oo u baahan inuu Eric wax ka barto, waa macallin daacad ah, waxbarashadiisuna aad ayay u sarraysaa."

~Abdi E., Columbus, Ohio (Somalia)

"Merci à Eric pour le temps qu'il m'a consacré, pour sa disponibilité. Nous avons discuté ensemble de nombreux sujets différents et variés. Cela nous a permis de débattre et d'échanger nos points de vue. Les jeux de rôles proposés par Eric m'ont permis de me mettre en situation réelle, de trouver les bons arguments pour y répondre au mieux. L'ambiance était très bonne et les exercices de simulation m'ont souvent beaucoup amusé. Au-delà de la qualité de la formation, j'ai particulièrement apprécié le contact avec Eric qui a su insuffler beaucoup de bonne humeur à chaque cours. J'ai, grâce à cette formation, considérablement amélioré mon niveau d'anglais."

~Eric C., Communications Industry, Columbus, Ohio (France)

"Я работал с Эриком в течение 2 месяцев, пока я был в Университете штата Огайо. Несмотря на то, что у меня есть докторская степень, я хотел попрактиковаться в разговоре и объяснении американских идиом и региональных диалектов. Эрик был очень хорошо осведомлен и сделал наши разговоры очень интересными. Мне очень понравилось работать с Эриком, и я очень рекомендую Everyday English® для изучения английского, независимо от вашего уровня владения языком."

~Andrey S., Ph.D., Columbus, Ohio (Russia)

"Obwohl ich Everyday English® erst seit kurzer Zeit verwende, war Eric sehr flexibel in Bezug auf meine Anforderungen an die TOEFL-Vorbereitung. Sowohl der Einzel- als auch der Gruppenunterricht waren sehr gute Übungsmöglichkeiten für meine Prüfung und ich empfehle Everyday English® jedem, der daran interessiert ist, sein Englisch in irgendeiner Weise zu verbessern."

~Zita S., Bexley, Ohio (Germany)

通过参与 Eric 的网络视频教学,对我的英语学习和应用有很大帮助。亲切的对话交流使我日常口语能力有了很大的提高,运用词汇更加的地道自如。总体的学习使我对美国的文化认识更加深入,增强了英语学习的兴趣。能够将英语作为一门工具顺利的应用是很开心的。Eric 是一位很棒的老师,以及其他我所接触过的老师也很出色。我很喜欢这种教学和交流方式。

~Jessica X., Online (China)

"We really liked the teaching methods of the Everyday English® instructors, because they focused on our individual difficulties. The classes were always very creative, dynamic and fun. We were always motivated to learn more and more. Another point that is very important, is that the topics of the classes were based on our interests. The exchange of knowledge of cultures of our countries was also quite important for us to improve our understanding of many different situations of the English language."

~Camila F. & Maiquel C., Columbus, Ohio (Brazil)

원어민과의 영어의사 소통에 있어 다소 제한적이고,내가 표현하고자 하는 바를 제대로 할수 없어 늘 고 민이 많이 되었습니다. 기존의 학교교육이 아닌 나의 부족한 부분을 보강할 뭔가가 필요했었는데, 그러던중 애브리데이 잉글리쉬 1:1 학습을 발견하였고,이것이 내가 찾던 것임을 알게 되었습니다.1:1 학습은 나에게 100% 촛점을 맛춘 학습방법으로 시간과 효과 면에서는 매우 탁월한 선택이었습니다. 이제 막 시작했지만 이미 조금씩 진보하는 자신을 발견합니다.

~Mija N., Westerville, Ohio (South Korea)

"Thank you Mr. Eric and Ms. Aigool, for this best month of cool adventures and quite an intensive four weeks of learning English. These have been productive, memorable and fun weeks. Thank you very much! Hopefully, you will visit Kazakhstan one day."

~Azamat N., VEC Student, Columbus, Ohio (Kazakhstan)

"Thank you for the thorough instruction and useful books. I have noticed a tremendous change in Azamat's conversational English. I am glad I decided to take advantage of the Everyday English® Vacation English Course (VEC)!"

~Gulim N., Parent of VEC Student, Columbus, Ohio (Kazakhstan)

“I highly recommend Everyday English® if you want to improve your English proficiency. I was able to improve my pronunciation in only a few lessons. I also strengthened my grammar and vocabulary. The teaching methods that Everyday English® (Instructor Eric) uses are awesome. I was looking forward to my class every week. I found it very entertaining. I was able to hold very interesting discussions with my instructor. He would use multiple resources and materials to make the class very enjoyable. Time would seem to fly when I was in my English class. My instructor also recommended several online resources that are available to anyone anytime. I think Everyday English® is a very professional and effective company that helps many individuals to improve their English proficiency all the time."

~Rogelio A., Medical Industry, Dublin, Ohio (Mexico)

안녕하세요 이창호입니다 저는 에릭으로부터 약 6개월간 튜터를 받았습니다. 여러분의 영어 선생님으로 부터 영어 강습을 받았는데요, 그중 에릭을 영어 튜터로 강력하게 추천합니다. 그 이유는 첫째로, 그는 저보다 더 준비를 많이 해오더군요. 저도 역시 준비를 해갔었지만, 그는 때때로 제 학습을 위한 준비로 저를 놀라게 했습니다. 아시겠지만, 목표가 없으면 아무것도 얻을수 없습니다. 만약 당신이 영어공부의 정확한 목표가 있다면, 그가 더 효율적으로 도울것입니다. 에릭은 저의 틀린 영어를 그 자리에서 수정해 주었습니다. 그것은 당신의 영어를 더욱 유창하게 만들어 줄것입니다. 에릭은 신실한 사람입니다. 그는 학생의 영어를 향상시키기 위해 최선을 다할것입니다.

~Changho L., Columbus, Ohio & Online (South Korea)


~Shigeyuki O., Food Service Industry, Dublin, Ohio (Japan)

"During my stay in Columbus I had English classes with Yue from Everyday English®. I had weekly classes for almost nine months and I had a great advance in my learning, from a newcomer of the United States who barely spoke any English to now an effective communicator. Yue’s classes are structured according to the needs of each student. She is always very careful and attentive in supplying all the necessities for an easy and qualitative learning. Her extensive preparation made every class different, fun and efficient. What I like most about the class structure elaborated by her is that they are not only focus on grammar but also on the practice of conversation, English and global culture, listening and vocabulary enrichment. We are always working on different and current themes in each of our meetings. I recommend Everyday English® without reservation, knowing, it is a great school for learning English."

~Pamela S., Columbus, Ohio (Brazil)

Everyday English® 对于全球想提高英语水平的人来讲,是一个很好的提高和交流平台。这里的氛围给人的感觉寓教于乐,互动性很强。通过和Eric一段时间的学习和交流,大大提高了我用纯正的美国英语交流技巧,增强了我对美国文化传统及民风民俗的进一步了解。可以称得上是一个全方位学习英语的好地方。

~Teng Y., Online (China)

Durante o meu período nos Estados Unidos eu queria encontrar uma escola de inglês que pudesse me oferecer um atendimento personalizado e de curto prazo afim de melhorar todos os aspectos do meu inglês. E foi isso que eu encontrei ! A empresa possuí profissionais capacitados, graduados e uma excelente metodologia de ensino. Em Columbus, Ohio a Everyday English® é a escola de inglês que eu confio. Muito Obrigado!"

~Willian P., IT Industry, Columbus, Ohio (Brazil)

"Because of Everyday English®, my pronunciation, vocabulary, reading and writing levels have really improved. Every time I read or hear something from the TV or radio, I come across at least ten to twenty words that I have learned at Everyday English®. Teachers at Everyday English® are experienced and very professional. Not only did my teacher help me with my pronunciation, vocabulary, reading and writing, he also helped me with my college papers and presentations. I would recommend Everyday English® to anyone who wants to improve their language skills. They are the best!"

~Ayan A., Columbus, Ohio (Somalia)

"My teacher was really professional and available to answer all my questions. It’s the complete way to learn English!"

~Adélaïde C., Medical Industry, Columbus, Ohio (France)

"I was introduced to Mr. Eric, who was my son's ESL teacher, and started classes. I read English news articles, answered questions, learned grammar, and talked about what I did during the week. Also, I consulted about my son's school, and learned how to write documents. It was a very fun and helpful class. I appreciated it."

~Mariko Y., Online (Japan)